The primary objective of this category of awards is to encourage young scientists below the age of 40 years of promise and creativity reflected through their contributions to entomology.


Allocation of marks for different criteria                                                      (Total 100 marks)

                         1.    Publications                                                                 

                          A. Ten Best Research Publications                                 – maximum 50 marks

                          B. Other Research Publications                                           – maximum 20 marks

                         2.    Products, Technologies, Discoveries and Patents            – maximum 15 marks

                         3.    Externally Funded Projects                                           – maximum 05 marks

                         4.    Involvement in Teaching/Extension activities                 – maximum 05 marks

                         5.    Evaluation committee                                                  – maximum 05 marks


1. PUBLICATIONS: Research publications will be given marks according to the 2023 NAAS score of Journals

A. Ten Best Research Publications                                                     – maximum 50 marks

(i)        The nominees should submit the list of their 10 best research publications (NAAS Rating >6), of relevance to Entomology, in chronological order. For each publication give name(s) of the author(s), indicate the corresponding author by asterisk‘*’ after his/her name, year of publication, full title, name of the journal, volume No. and page Nos. For NAAS scoring of journals, list of Journals as identified by NAAS and available on Academy website: may be consulted and the Journal ID should be mentioned in the column provided in the proforma against each publication. For Thomson Reuters Impact Factor (IF) journals, NAAS Score = 6.0 + IF with capping on 20.00.

(ii)       First author and corresponding author will get full marks in a publication and rest of the authors gets 50% marks.

(iii)      The NAAS Score of all 10 publications will be added and multiplied by 0.5 with a cap of maximum of 50 marks

(iv)      Attach one set of reprints of the 10 most important publications listed in the nomination, and also submit soft copies of their PDF in one file.

B. Other Research Publications                                                                              – maximum 20 marks           

     I.        The nominees should submit the list of other research publications (NAAS Rating >3), of relevance to Entomology, in chronological order. For each publication give name(s) of the author(s), indicate the corresponding author by asterisk‘*’ after his/her name, year of publication, full title, name of the journal, volume No. and page Nos. etc as given under ‘A’ above

     II.        First author and corresponding author will get full marks in a publication and rest of the authors gets 50% marks

   III.        Please note that publications should be other than those claimed in 10 best publications

   IV.        The NAAS Score of all publications will be added and multiplied by 0.3 with a cap of maximum of 20 marks


Note: The scoring for items above under A and B is to be accurate and the onus of its accuracy solely of nominee based on recent NAAS score.





I. Developer of each patent with details of patent No., trade Marks and IP protection (commercialized/not commercialized)/ plant variety Gazette Notified by the CVRC/SVRC and released by Central Sub-Committee on crop Standards, Notification and Release with evidence/ biocontrol strains, Discoveries of new species/ new genus described following standard procedures/first reports/records of insects authenticated by accredited body(national level) or publication /Germplasm registered for insect pest resistance, diagnostic kit, process, concept, methodology, software/website/app/database development/Data base management/Expert system developed/Decision support system /models/New molecules/ chemical and biopesticide formulations. For online products, URL should be accessible                          

                                                                                                                                      4 marks each


II. Research findings that become sustainable practices among the stakeholders. These include integrated pest management modules, insect conservation methods, post-harvest pest management technologies, institutional innovations, improvement and innovative extension efforts leading to large scale diffusion and adoption of technologies approved by AICRPs/ SAUs/ ICAR/ such organizations.                                                                                                                                                    3 marks each


*Please note that products, technologies, discoveries mentioned at Sl. No. 10 of the Nomination form should be other than those claimed in 20 best publications. Authenticated document for each as mentioned above should be enclosed


Developer (one) shall be awarded 100% marks, Co-developers (max. two) 75% marks and associates 50% marks. If publication first author and corresponding author will get full marks in a publication and rest of the authors 50% marks.


3. EXTERNALLY FUNDED PROJECTS                                                                                (Max. 05 marks)


  • Principal investigator of each project (minimum of 10 lakhs) funded by ICAR, CSIR, DST, DBT, state governments of at least more than one year completed (Both completed and currently active projects are considered)    (1 marks each)


  • Co-Principal investigator of each project (minimum of 10 lakhs) funded by ICAR, CSIR, DST, DBT, state governments of at least more than one year completed                                       (0.5 mark each)



4. INVOLVEMENT IN TEACHING/EXTENSION ACTIVITIES                                 (Maximum 05 marks)

A. Teaching

i. One mark each for Doctoral degree awarded and 0.5 marks each Masters degree awarded as a chairperson of advisory committee

ii. Teaching aids developed (Teaching manuals for course, study tour, industrial visit for students organized) 0.5 mark for each


B. Extension

i. Front Line Demonstration conducted – 1.0 mark for each

ii. Field day/ farmers fair, demonstration, exhibitions, Radio talks, TV presentations - 0.5 mark for each

iii. Extension teaching aids developed- 0.5 mark for each